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Interactive wireframes and information architecture showcases

Case1: Safespace for Qatar Ministry of Information & Communications Technology (ictQATAR)

My Role: I designed the UX, IA and UI for this project.

To help parents and teachers keep children safe online, the MOTC (formerly known as the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology) launched a website filled with valuable information and resources on cyber safety.

Users are guided through the site by cartoon characters Saif and Saqr, who were developed by Graphic Designer, Samar Semaan. She created the characters to help make the topic of cyber safety less scary and more accessible to youth.

Saif represents a typical Qatari boy who is curious about the world that exists online. Saqr, a falcon, is Saif’s wise sidekick, who helps him make the right choices. The characters are featured throughout the site, and will be used for future games and youth outreach initiatives.

Design Option 1

Design Option 2

Case2: Autoquake

My Role: I designed the UX and IA for this project.

Autoquake is an e-commerce company remarketing used cars on behalf of the UK corporate fleet and leasing companies direct to consumers.
London, England, United Kingdom

Sitemap (Hierarchical Connections)

Content Analysis (for copywriting / SEO )

Customer Journey

Autoquake Finance Customer Entry Points Map First Page


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