I work closely with all sized businesses from across the world.


Hey, I’m Sultan Shalakhti, I’m a Product Designer UX/UI with 10+ years creative experience and a love of creating collaborative business tools. I help designers achieve success on their own terms, build tools that enable teams to work more effectively, and produce creative strategy to help businesses be awesome.

I’m passionate about solving tough customer problems by combining thoughtful research, clever technology and beautiful design — and love working with businesses who believe that design can change the world. I coach designers, I spend my day in Figma and I love being wherever the creativity is happening!

I’m also a dad to two lovely girls, husband, and a lover of the outdoors, sea and tennis.

Visit my LinkedIn   for more details about my experiance.

A few brands I’ve done work for

I have an extensive history of crafting experiences for brands that care about their users, from different sectors and regions across public sector, private sector and local, auto, QSR, retail, tech, finance. Here’s a taste of past products:

My partners in success


Whatever your goals are, and wherever you are in your design education, RookieUp helps you create an amazing portfolio and hone your design skills so you can stand out from the crowd and land your dream job in fields like UX/UI and Visual Design.

Elevate Creative – Design Agency

The factory of creative ideas. We’re in the business of getting people to fall in love with the brands that we represent. Through our creative ideas across all media and all disciplines, we target to elevate brands into new undiscovered horizons that put them in favor of other competing brands.

Mentor at Interaction Design Foundation (IDF)

Supporting individually new designers interested in pursuing a career in UX through an 8-week Bootcamp consisting of 1+ hours of video sessions and rounds of written feedback.

Local Leader IxDA Jordan

IxDA is a community that is dedicated to promoting discussions on themes related to Interaction Design for designers, communication industry professionals, startups, technology and entrepreneurs in general, non-profit. And I love being part of it and contributing to the growth of that community.

Nice Words

Let’s Chat!

If you’d like to talk with me about your project or want a bit more details about my capabilities, we’d love to talk with you too.

Reach out. Let’s be creative together!

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